St. Louis Bridge Center
A fun, welcoming, convenient, nonprofit center where the game of bridge is learned and played.
Game Descriptions
Due to current events all play at the Bridge Center has moved to virtual games on BBO until further notice.
For the current virtual games schedule please refer to our schedule page or click below.
As we continue our mission of providing educational opportunities for new bridge players, we are thrilled to announce our games targeted toward new and developing players. These games are limited in masterpoints so you only play against players at your level. All games are directed in a very relaxed environment.
NEWCOMERS - These games usually include a small training element prior to the game and may play fewer boards to allow more time for newer players to think about their bidding and play:
Mondays 10:00am - Debb Keniley, Director, helps players DURING the game with bidding and play decisions, and discussion of the hands following. For players with fewer than 20 masterpoints. Additionally, Debb offers a FREE 30 minute lesson prior to this chat game.
Tuesdays 10:00am - Marvin King directs this game for players with fewer than 99 masterpoints. There will also be a 30 minute briefing prior to each game.
NEWCOMERS/INTERMEDIATES - Similar to above, but these games typically play a full set of boards and do not include a training element. These games are perfect for newer players that are comfortable with the general elements of the game and are comfortable with the flow of the game. These games are the same games as our "Open" games, but are run in a slightly more relaxed environemnt:
Mondays 10:00am - Marvin King directs this game for players with fewer than 299 masterpoints.
Tuesdays 10:00am - Beth Percich directs this game for players with fewer than 199 masterpoints.
Tuesdays 6:30pm - Marvin King directs this game for players with fewer than 750 masterpoints.
Wednesdays 10:00am - Janet Vontz directs this game for players with fewer than 750 masterpoints.
Wednesdays 6:30pm - Marvin King directs this game for all Non-Life Master players.
Thursdays 10:00am - Janet Vontz directs this game for players with fewer than 299 masterpoints.
Fridays 10:00am - Carol Wagner directs this game for players with fewer than 199 masterpoints.
Saturdays 1:00pm - Mike Vontz directs this game for players with fewer than 499 masterpoints.
1st Sunday of the Month 1:00pm - Swiss Teams game with Phyllis Siegel
2nd Sunday of the Month 1:00pm - Master/Novice game with Phyllis Siegel
3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of the Month 1:00pm - "8" is Enough! with Mike Arnheim, rules for teams below.
A players are those with over 2000 masterpoints and contribute 3 “team points”
B players are those with between 750 and 1,999 masterpoints and count as 2 “team points”
C players are those with fewer than 750 masterpoints and count as 1 “team point”
The total team points cannot exceed 8. For example, a team of four B players, or two A and two C players would be allowed, but a team of three A players and one C player would not.